Can Indian Ringnecks Eat Blueberries?

Green Indian ringneck inside cage

Indian Ringnecks love fruit and vegetables, but they should eat them only in moderation.

What about Blueberries?

Blueberries are a lovely treat to give your Indian Ringneck. Organic berries are always better because they haven’t been sprayed with pesticides that can damage the birds’ delicate digestive system. 

This article will tell you everything you need to know about how to safely feed blueberries to your Indian Ringneck.

Health Benefits of Blueberries for Parrots

Blueberries provide a range of essential vitamins and minerals for your bird. 

These include:

  • Vitamin C – for immunity and regulating blood sugar
  • Vitamin B6 – for maintaining healthy energy levels
  • Vitamin A – for healthy growth and vision 
  • Potassium – for healthy heart and muscles
  • Magnesium – to promote a healthy beak and bones

Nutrition is not as simple as ‘add vitamin, get the result.’ However, when combined with other fruits and vegetables, blueberries will help your bird be healthy now and in the future. 

How to Prepare Blueberries for Your Indian Ringneck

To prepare blueberries for your Indian Ringneck, just give them a quick wash under fresh water. 

This is especially important if the fruit isn’t organic, as you need to remove any toxic pesticide residue. 

Once the fruit is washed, you can place it on a dish inside the cage. Try not to mix it with the dried food because you’ll need to remove any fruit that your bird didn’t manage to eat at the end of the day. 

Taking out the unfinished fruit will help you avoid flies and prevent mold from making a home in your parrot’s cage. 

How Many Blueberries to Give to Your Indian Ringneck 

Indian Ringnecks benefit from a small amount of fruit every day, but you don’t have to go crazy. 

A few blueberries should be more than enough, and you can vary the type of fruit you give them each day. 

You don’t have to go out and buy fruit especially for your birds, as they need only a small amount. Instead, it makes more sense to share whatever fruit you have in the house for yourself. Just double-check that each type is okay for them first!

Other Fruits to Feed Your Indian Ringneck

Indian Ringnecks like lots of different fruits. Here are some suggestions that you can try:

  • Grapes
  • Pears
  • Bananas 
  • Apples (but not the seeds!)
  • Pomegranate seeds
  • Pineapples 
  • Chilis (parrots love chilis and don’t feel the burn like we do!)

They also need to eat some vegetables, such as:

  • Asparagus
  • Corn on the cob
  • Carrots 
  • Broccoli 
  • Spinach 

Food to Avoid Giving Your Indian Ringneck 

Not all foods are safe for parrots. Here are some foods that you should not give to your Indian Ringneck:

  • Avocado 
  • Green parts of tomatoes and potatoes
  • Dairy 
  • Onions 
  • Raw cabbage 
  • Chocolate 
  • Peanuts 
  • Garlic 
  • Shallots
  • Caffeine
  • Rhubarb

This list is not extensive, so it’s a good idea to check up on each new food before introducing it to your bird. 

A Healthy Diet for Your Indian Ringneck 

Most owners will want to feed their parrot a balanced pellet diet with a small amount of fruit and vegetables.

Your Indian Ringneck can be healthy without pellets, but you would have to do lots of research about their nutrition to provide the right balance of grains, vegetables, rice, seeds, and other food types. 

Fruits, Vegetables, and Seeds

If you’re going for a pellet diet, your bird will need 5-10% fruit and vegetables and another 5-10% seeds. 

Too many seeds or fresh foods will give your bird diarrhea, as well as potential weight problems.


Your bird needs constant access to fresh water, which you should change daily. In the wild, they would find a clean stream to drink from, so they won’t appreciate drinking dirty or stagnant water in captivity. 

Mineral Block or Cuttlebone

I highly recommend giving a mineral block or cuttlebone to your bird. 

This will give them lots of enrichment, help them keep their beak in good shape, and provide calcium for healthy bones. 

Some people don’t like giving cuttlebones to their birds because of the way the cuttlefish are caught. They are usually fished using the trawling method, which pretty much obliterates marine habitats. 

If you don’t want to support a harmful fishing practice, you could consider getting your bird a mineral block instead. They are usually made from powdered oyster shells. Oysters don’t have a central nervous system, and the shells are almost always wasted, so some people feel more comfortable with this. 

Of course, the choice is yours! I just wanted to give you the information so that you can make an informed decision.

Final Thoughts 

Blueberries are a healthy and delicious part of your Indian Ringneck’s diet. However, make sure to wash them first. Also, try to get them from an organic source if possible. 

You can feed your parrot all kinds of fruits and vegetables, but some of them are poisonous, so it’s essential to learn about each new food type before introducing it to your bird. If you find it hard to remember which foods are allowed, you can keep a list on your fridge!

You don’t have to go overboard, but a little bit of fruit will supplement a healthy, balanced diet. In turn, you’ll have a happy and healthy bird for many years to come.