Budgie Swollen Bottom: Why And What to Do (Explained)

So, you have a budgie whose bottom is swollen. You want to know why.

We will take a look at that as well as what can cause it and what to do about it.

What Does It Look Like When Budgie Bottom Is Swollen?

The skin on a budgie’s bottom will be stretched out, without a trace of feathers on it.

It might also appear reddish and rather puffy. These symptoms describe this problem with the female budgie.

If there is the same problem with a male budgie, the symptoms will be similar.

His bottom can be cool to the human touch and, if left untreated, can turn brownish.

So, what is the problem?

There are a few possibilities, which we will discuss right now. We will also discuss solutions.

Is Rectal Prolapse Causing My Budgie’s Swollen Bottom?

If his or her other symptoms are accompanied by diarrhea, the bird is likely to be suffering from a condition called rectal prolapse.

This happens in birds when they strain to poop, especially if it is diarrhea. 

What to Keep in Mind Regarding Rectal Prolapse

If this problem is occurring in your budgie, you will need to treat not only the swelling, but also the diarrhea.

There could be many causes for constant diarrhea. If it lasts a long time no matter what you do to treat it, you should immediately see an avian specialist, aka a bird veterinarian.

He will determine what to do for your budgie’s swollen bottom.

What Are Other Signs of Rectal Prolapse in Budgies?

It is important to reiterate that rectal prolapse can occur in either male or female budgies.

In addition to those already discussed, signs of this can include wet feathers underneath the rear quarters of your budgie.

There might also be an unpleasant smell that never goes away.

What Is the Treatment for Rectal Prolapse in Budgies?

This condition cannot be ignored; otherwise, it could become infected and lead to your budgie’s death. You must contact an avian vet right away.

Please note: If the following steps do not resolve the issue of the rectal prolapse, tell your avian vet the minute he arrives.

Also, if you are not experienced enough to follow these steps correctly, wait for the bird doctor to take care of your budgie’s swollen bottom.

If you can handle this, while you wait for the bird doctor to arrive, follow these steps:

  1. Dab a soft cotton pad in mildly salted water.
  2. Use this pad to clean the bird’s rectal area.
  3. Make sure your bird is wrapped in a towel with its legs tucked toward its insides.
  4. Hold your budgie firmly, yet ensure it is comfortable.
  5. Slowly and gently push the protruding tissue back into place inside the anal area, utilizing the cotton pad with the saltwater.
  6. Using two sanitized fingers, make sure there is no cotton inside the bird’s anal area.
  7. With those clean fingers, keep the bird’s anal area closed until the spasms have stopped.
  8. Slowly release your fingers from the anal area of your budgie, then wipe this area with antiseptic made for birds.

What Is a Prolapsed Cloaca in a Budgie?

This is a very serious and life-threatening condition. It can occur in either males or females.

If you even suspect your budgie has this, call your bird doctor and have him come quickly.

A prolapsed cloaca is when the inner tissues of this area hang out of the vent. It can result in the obvious exposure of either the cloaca, the uterus, or the intestines. This is nothing to mess around with.

What Are Some Signs of This Condition?

  • An absence of bird droppings
  • Straining when trying to pass either droppings or an egg
  • Blood inside the droppings
  • Lack of appetite
  • Strained breathing through an open mouth
  • Fluffed out feathers
  • Soiled feathers in the vent area
  • Horrible odor emitting from the vent
  • Lack of movement of the budgie
  • Bird is unusually quiet

Other Things to Know About Prolapsed Cloaca

You will definitely see a prolapsed cloaca unless your budgie is sitting on top of it. It will look like a huge mass sticking out of your budgie vent.

If allowed to remain sticking out without an avian specialist’s care, the cloaca can become infected and dried out.

You must keep this area clean and moist while awaiting the doctor.

Treatment of This Ailment

Your bird doctor will know precisely what to do. The situation might even require stitches that only the doctor can administer.

Until the doctor arrives, you will need to keep the bird warm. During such trauma to its body, it can become hypothermic.

Warm fluids should also be available. Even the most experienced bird owners must consult the avian doctor.

The bird might well need antibiotics that only a professional can prescribe.

Is Your Female Budgie Carrying Eggs?

In addition to her bottom swelling, some signs of this are less pooping action, larger bird droppings, and a soft bump in the area of her vent.

It must be said that budgies are oviparous, aka egg-layers. This is a different concept than pregnancy.

Budgies do not become pregnant. However, after a female has been bred, fertilized eggs develop inside her body. Expect her to lay them within eight to ten days.

If she does not lay them, call the avian vet immediately.

If you have bred your female budgie recently, this is most likely the reason for your budgie’s swollen bottom.

Monitor her carefully to ensure there are no complications.

It is also a good idea to have your bird doctor standing by just in case. 

Read also: Do Budgies Lay Eggs Without Mating?

Critical Words of Wisdom Regarding Your Budgie

A swollen vent requires urgent medical care from a trained bird doctor, aka an avian vet. You will see it sticking out, as it will be rather puffy and perhaps discolored as well.

Whether or not your bird has a history of swelling around the vent area, this is not something to take chances with or that will go away on its own accord.

Only a professional can cure the bird. If you don’t seek care right away, it can spell the end for your budgie. Please call the avian doctor as soon as possible.

Lasso Brag

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